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Ochs, S. (2021). “Prohibitive and its relation with the imperative (Maps & Data)”. In: Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan (TALD). Ed. by M. Daniel, K. Filatov, T. Maisak, G. Moroz, T. Mukhin, C. Naccarato and S. Verhees. Moscow: Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, NRU HSE. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6807070.


  title = {Prohibitive and its relation with the imperative (Maps & Data)},
  author = {Samira Ochs},
  year = {2021},
  editor = {Michael Daniel and Konstantin Filatov and Timur Maisak and George Moroz and Timofey Mukhin and Chiara Naccarato and Samira Verhees},
  publisher = {Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, NRU HSE},
  address = {Moscow},
  booktitle = {Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan (TALD)},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6807070},

Visualization 1 (General datapoints) and 3 (Extrapolated data) are both based on the principle ‘one value – one language’. Visualization 2 (Data granularity) takes into account dialect levels. On the Data granularity maps you can see the village and the data type (village data, general language data, etc.) when you click on a dot. Hover over or click on a dot to see the language. By unticking the box “show languages” you can remove the inner dots and visualize the distribution of different values in the area without the distraction of genealogical information.

1 Morpheme type

General datapoints

Extrapolated data

Data granularity

2 Stem type

General datapoints

Extrapolated data

Data granularity

3 Encoding type

General datapoints

Extrapolated data

Data granularity

4 mV in marker form

General datapoints

Extrapolated data

Data granularity

5 Datatable

Download the whole dataset.


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